Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA



In memory of Lion Rollin Roath

Melvin Jones Fellow - Past President 1979


Lion Rollin Roath

I first met Lion Rollie in 1973 in a golf match at Western Acres golf course. I was amazed at how a guy so slightly built as Rollie could pound the ball so far down the fairway and straight too! He was smooth as silk on the course and even smoother off the course. A genuinely nice fellow to be around and though he never pushed advise on the game, he gave it gladly, if he was asked. He was a good role model for a guy like me who had just opened a business of his own and wanted to make a bit of an impression on people in the community. A few years later (1978) I joined Lombard Lions Club and part of my decision to join was based on Rollie being a member. He was going to be President of the club in the next year and told me I would be welcomed with open arms. He was not an outspoken president but led by example instead. I don't think he ever missed an opportunity to attend any project we ever had over the years and worked hard on all occasions. As a matter of fact, he was usually one of the last guys to leave at the end of the day when other, much younger guys, had long since retired to their couches at home to recover from a hard days work. He held just about every office we have in the club as well as District zone chairman, was a LIFE member and the only Lombard Lion to receive the heralded Melvin Jones Fellowship award.
This organization and I in particular will miss him very much. I only hope he reserves a tee time for me, in his foursome, when I get to see him again.

Lion Dom Pulice




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